It has been about 1 year since we last saw Mr. Tigger! Tigger and I got out of the Apartment and were missing for days!!! Mom put up Flyers and walked the whole Apartment complex every night looking for us!!! She was on the porch one night and saw me at the bottom of the steps and ran out to get me!!! She thinks someone had me in their Apartment and saw the Flyer and let me go by the apartment!! But We never found Mr. Tigger and we all still miss Him LOTS!!! We purr and pray that he is being treated like the wonderful Brother and Best ManCat that he is and that he thinks about us once in a while!!!!! We will NEVER FORGET HIM!! He is one of a kind and always watched after us!!! We think he even sent Clementine to us!! Here are some wonderful pictures of him!!
Tears & Hugs,
Samantha and Mom
Tears & Hugs,
Samantha and Mom

That is a wonderful tribute. We hope that someone has him too and that he is happy. His wandering made us so sad for you all. Purrs.
That is a beautiful tribute. We know how you miss your sweet boy. WE are sending purrs to all of you.
that is a wonderdul tubutie to him we purr that someone has him and he just as loved as he can be /
Lilly lu iris and Maxie
Mr. Tigger sure is/was an inspiration to mancats everywhere. I too hope that he living with another family and they think he is a wonderful boy. This was a lovely tribute to him.
It is right ta remember yer friends and siblings. When one goes away, it it so very sad. One can only hope they find a new good home.
But one stays sad, not knowin...
When I first came across your blog, it was not long before your move, so I did not get to know Mr. Tigger very well. But I know he had to be a pawsome kitty because I am almost sure that somebody had to have taken him in and given him a home, and they were somewhere where they did not see the signs.
Your tribute is a very sweet way to honor him, and the memories of his life with you.
We miss Mr. Tigger too. And it makes our eyes leaky that he isn't with you anymore but we gotta believe that some kind people took him in & that he is happy & healthy. We're sure he still thinks of you & misses you very much.
That's a wonderful tribute. We know you all miss him so much. We hope he is somewhere that he is being loved and cared for.
What a wonderful tribute. We can barely believe a whole year has gone by, since your beautiful boy went walkabout. We have never forgotten him and never will. We hope he is being looked after and loved as he deserves ~ and we understand how painful the lack of closure is. (((((hugs)))))
We miss him greatly.
We miss Mr. Tigger too. We know he's got a good home with somebuddy and is a happy ManCat. We think it was Mr. Tigger who sent Clementine to you.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I miss Mr. Tigger, too. This was a wonderful tribute. I'm purring that Mr. Tigger is happy in someone's home.
That's a very lovelt tribute. We miss Mr. T. too!
Hugs and purrs...
I hope someone is looking after Mr Tigger too.
We all hope that lovely Mr Tigger found a family who took him in and love him very much. It's so sad that you never found out what happened to him and he never came home. Not knowing is so painful
We send you all love and rumbly purrs
& Gerry
It's so sad about Mr. Tigger but hopefully someone else gave him a good home. I miss him too but liked seeing all the pictures here of him. He looks must like my Manny! Guess that's why I feel such a connection to him.
I don't know how to make collages like this to post, wish I did. I'd really like to have on for my header.
(((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.
We're so sorry about Mr. Tigger and hope that wherever he is, he's safe and happy and well-loved.
we miss Mr Tigger very much and our hearts hurt for you all. {{{HUGS}}
Wonderful tribute to a sweet boy. Sending purrs your way today, and still purring that Mr Tigger will come home.
I'm so sorry that Mr. Tigger went missing! It must be awful not to know what happened, but I agree that someone else must have him now and maybe they didn't see your posters. I'm sure that Mr. Tigger is safe and loved but I bet he misses you a lot.
A lovely tribute to a beautiful boy!
That is a wonderful tribute to Mr. Tigger. We still miss him very much and hope that someone took him in and gave him a loving home. Purrs to all of you.
We are so sorry about Mr Tigger and the fact that you never found him. We purrr that he did get found by some other kind people and that he does have a nice home.
What a wonderful tribute to Mr Tigger. We're sure that he's off somewhere being pampered and you should never give up hope of seeing him again ((((hugs))))
Mom Laure
We fink of Mr Tigger often.
Purrs and headbutts,
We were following along with this when it happened, even though we didn't have a blog. We were so sad, because my mom knows what it's like to have a cat escape from a new home. Mr. Tigger looks like our One Who Came Before, Zachary, so our mom has a soft spot for him. We hope he found people who love him to pieces and treat him like a prince.
Fuzzy, Zoe and mom jana
That was a beautiful tribute to Mr. Tigger. We are so sorry he disappeared.
We, too, hope he is somewhere safe, and that he is being loved and pampered as he should be. (((Purrs and hugs)))
I did not know your sweet Mr. Tigger but I am sure sorry to hear that you have not been able to find him. I hope he is safe and being well taken care of where ever he is. His is a real beauty. All the pictures are great and what a nice tribute. Hugs!
That sure was a beautiful tribute to Mr. Tigger and we think about him too, purrs for a wonderful life where ever he may be.
We're all teary again. We think of Mr. Tigger when we see your bookmark or visit your blog. We still wish he would turn up.
This is a lovely tribute to Mr. Tigger.
Such a heartbreaker. =( I know exactly how you feel. Over the years, several of my li'l darlin's have gone missing. Only three times have any of them returned. Makes me cry ...
Man, a year... I really miss him and kinda hope that he'll just pop up one day. But I also hope that someone has been taking are of him. And I'm not sure which I hope for the most.
A sweet, moving tribute to Mr. Tigger; we will never forget him either...We pray he is being loved and cared for and we know he thinks of you all often; it's so difficult to lose a baby and not know their fate=our Mommy has dealt with that also...We have missed you guys and hope all is well..Sending our sweet friends big hugs today...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I will never forget Mr. Tigger, either. I hope he is in a loving home and is happy and healthy and having fun wherever he is!
What a wonderful tribute to a lovely boy. We miss Mr Tigger and purr that he is loved and happy wherever he is. Kitty hugs to you all.
What a wonderful tribute to Mr. Tigger! We miss him too!! We'd like to think that he was taken in by some cat lover and is living the good life!
What a wonderful tribute to Mr. Tigger! We still miss him too - we hope he has found a wonderful family to take care of him and love him like he deserves. We still do hold out that tiny bit of hope that he will be one of those stories of a cat returning home after a long time. We know you must miss him so much - we are sending over lots of comforting purrs to you all.
I think of Mr. Tigger, too, everytime I visit your blog. It's even more difficult when you don't know what has happened to him. There is no closure.
We hope, as well, that some kind person has taken him in and he's living in his accustomed manner.
What a wonderful tribute you have made to him!
What a wonderful blog! I'm Angie from Catladyland and Katt Food -- I saw you on Daisy's blog and wanted to stop by and say hello.
I look forward to following your blog -- stop by and say hi on my blogs too!
Katt Food:
A loving retrospective! You never stop loving, never stop hoping the great adventurer is well in a loving home. I've had two boys go on walkabout in my life and I still miss them more than I can say.
Mr. Tigger was wonderful, I remember he loved the hamsters, along with Samantha, but I know Mr. Tigger was special for Brownie, because he visited everyday his blog and considered him a mancat. I just hope someone got in love with him and took it home, and that he is happy, maybe they also have a pet hamster in there...
Mom still sheds water over his being missing. We both miss him deeply and we still pray that he comes home some day. We also think he sent Clementine to you! This is a beautiful tribute! We wuvs you VERY much! - Beau and mom
We miss Tigger too, and think of him often. We keep hoping that someone took him in and he's in a good loving home, but it breaks our heart for you that he never made it back to you. I can't believe it's been a year already!
We are sad that Mr. Tigger has yet found his way home. We truly believe he will show up one of these days, out of the blue. Sending (((HUGS))) to you and PURRAYERS to Mr. Tigger.
It is so hard when our babies are missing like that. We will purr extra extra hard that sweet Tigger found loving home.
We miss Mr. Tigger too. And we purray that he is well and happy with a family that is treating him like a king.
Hi, this is Kassey hoping your mancat has a good home. His coloring is similar to mine.....Kassey
We think of Tigger often and know you'll never stop missing him. Purrs to you all.
The Crew & Crew's Mom
We never stop thinking about Mr. Tigger. We just hurt so much when he was first lost and now we just ache and purr and pray that he is living with another family that loves him...and one day he will find his way back home to you and all of his furriends in the CB.
Cory and family
I am sorry I didn't get here yesterday. I still remember that day when the two kitties got out and Mr.Tigger never came back. It is the worst feeling. We had one disappear and never come back too and it is a horrible feeling. We are sending tons of huge hugs. Take care.
The not knowing is the worst. We purr that Mr. Tigger is in a cozy, happy home who loves him so much they would never imagine that you are out here missing him.
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