Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carnival Of The Cats #382 with Samantha, Clementine & Maverick:

Welcome To July 10's Edition
Of Carnival Of The Cats!!!

Come One!!! Come All!!!
To See The Greatest Cats Of All!!

Let the Carnival Begin!!

Hi - we aren't completely a cat blog - but are welcoming two new kitties to our farm!! Please stop by and meet the Mrreows!!! Welcome to Cat Blogging George & Gracie from A Blip On The Radar!

Check out Team Tabby! They are showing us what they have been doing on their Blog Hiatus!! And please send some purrrrs to Cookie!! He had a bad reaction to some dental work and needs some prayers!

Mario from
Mario's Meowsings is helping a Friend in need!! Please stop by and check it out!! Keep up the good work Mario!

In their own words Zoey & Maggy from Zoolatry say "It seems appropriate for our first time taking part in the Carnival, to show a post of "US TOGETHER" ... which is very rare!" It is also very cute say US!!

Kwee Cats have a cat that likes to keep Really Cool in the last place you would think to look!! Please stop by & check it out!

Over at Manx Mnews we have the lovely Abby in a beautiful Portrait picture!! She is a very lovely Tuxie!! Hi all of our former FL furiends!!

Check out Cats Rule Humans and Tara, whom we understand dictates Her Blog to her Humans!! That sounds like a good idea!! MOM get typing!!!

Sam & Andy had a Thankful Thursday at Home!! But we wonder where their sister Shelly went?? Hi fellow Texans!!

We heard from the Island Cats that Wally is airing out his mancat bits. Maybe we should keep our eyes closed!!

Angel, Kirby & Mac say, We have never been in a Carnival Of The Cats post, but thought we would try today! So here is our Tale Of A Stinky Box!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie clebrate their 3rd Blogoversary!!!
Congratulations on Three Years!! We are so glad to know you all!!

Here's our post about mine sisfur,
Faith Boomerang...
Love & Purrs, KC

Mindy, Moe, BobBon, Mike and Cookie from Team Tabby take a break from Blog Hiatus to show us what they have been doing!! Looks like lots of fun to us!!!

From Nikita at Meowsings From An Opinionated Pussycat we have My 2nd --- Birthday Presents in July! A Tribute to Whicky Wuudler, Esq. RIP: A Tribute to the Remarkable British Everycat and Elvira's Gappy Dotcha Hay To Me! Howwwwwwwdy!! I am just so Proud to be here!

Cokie the Cat presents Cokie the Cat: Man Cat King posted at Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider, saying, "If you could be so kind, please go vote for me to be Animal King of the Web! You would like someone you know to be the Lord Protector of the Realm, right? Everyone gets 10 votes per day, and you can't vote for yourself. Please use them wisely... Of course, the contest's only been open one day and an animated cat already has 5000 votes, so my chances aren't good, but I'm a sport. Here's the website: Your kindness at this time shall not be forgotten. The Honorable Cokie Kokopelli the Kitty Kachina, at your service."

john sneden presents The Return Trip posted at StrangeRanger, saying, "strangeranger

Today is Percy's birthday. And we share our woofie siblings' experience with a goose convention.

presents Thus Spake Russ » Birthday Girl posted at TacJammer.

Taz, Runt, and Charles presents Happy 4th!! posted at 3 Kats and a Kwilter.

PDX pride presents Happy Independence Day! posted at Furry Tails of the PDX pride.

willow presents Happy 4th of July! posted at willow's cat blog.

China Cat presents Happy 4th of July! posted at china cat's blog.

sokun presents Uncertainty is a killer posted at

Catsparella presents My Visit To Tabby's Place Cat Sanctuary posted at Catsparella.

meowmeowmans presents Sam and Tiger: Love Heals posted at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life, saying, "Thank you for hosting this week! :)"


CatSynth presents CatSynth » Weekend Cat Blogging #318 posted at CatSynth, saying, "THanks for hosting this weekend!"

Thanks everyone for being so patient while Mom was recovering from her Fall and THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful Carnival Of The Cat Posts!! We have met lots of new furiends and had loads of fun!!

Please also send loads of purayers for these wonderful Women of the CB who are going through some tough times right now!! Just click on Each Graphic to Visit them!!PS: Please let us know if we forgot any one or their post!!

Love & Hugs,
Samantha, Clementine & Maverick


Ingrid said...

Nice Carnival again ! My post is linked to the last week's post ! this week I have "Neighborwatch"
If possible can you correct ?

Mariodacat said...

Wow, I'z honored to be in your carnival. What fun. Thanks for doing this. I'm sure to meet lots more new friends now, and I plan to visit some of those listed too.

Jacqueline said...

What a fun carnival=we really enjoyed it and hope to join in soon (our secretary must do a better job with these things)...We hope your Mommy is feeling better...Happy weekend, precious friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope your mom is feeling much better now.