Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We Need Advice-Samantha & Mom

Hi Everyone!! The Vet called today and said I have FLUTD - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder!! Mom is searching the Internet for information!! Has anyone had any Cat that has this and can give us some advice!!
Samantha & Mom


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We nefur heard of it! But, we're sure sumbody on the CB has! It's a great place fur kitteh info. Purrs fur your FLUTD. Feel better. xoxo

Sweet Purrfections said...

I haven't heard of it, but I'm sure the CB can help. I hope Samantha will be okay.

Mom Paula

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Here are some excellent links to help you understand FLUTD

I am a vet tech in an all feline hospital, and would be more than happy to speak to you about your kitty, but the above links will help you understand which of these symptoms your kitty exhibited.

My cat Brighton almost died from a urinary blockage and was diagnosed with FIC (described in the above links). He has been on a canned food diet and some nutraceuticals since then and is doing great. We hope your kitty does well, too!

Sparkle said...

I am purring for you, Samantha and I hope they are able to figure out the right treatment for you! I looked at Teri's links and it sounds like it can be a little tricky sussing that out!

We love LUNA said...

Oh Samantha, poor girl! I know nothing about this disease, so sorry. I'm sending you love and good energies for your fast recover.
purrs and prayers

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet Samantha! Me and Charlie are so sorry to hear this!! We hope you find lots of info about this disease - we think Terri has lots of links about it - yay! Good luck and take extra care!! hugs x

Brian's Home Blog said...

Teri is an excellent resource. My sisters and I are sending you lots and lots of purrs sweet Samantha.

meowmeowmans said...

We are purring and praying for you, Sammie. Please get well soon.

Cat said...

We are purring for you Sam and hope that you will be better soon!!!


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Sending healing purrs to you Sam, it sounds very painful. Paws crossed you get wells soon and your Mommy finds the information she needs on the Internets.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're sending purrs, Samantha. There are some supplements that can help, we think....The mom had done research back in the winter, re: Annie. Also, there is a glucosamine supplement specifically made for vets (same stuff as for humans but sold under a specific brand name for vets) that supposedly helps with the lining of the bladder. Something to ask about anyway.

Paws crossed for you!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sorry, we never heard of this condition before. Can you ask the vet to clarify and give you advice?

We so hope Samantha is better soon ~ we are sending healing purrs and love.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is purrring for you Sammie!!! Miss Teri is very smart!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Momma Jan here ...
My first cat Max had this, but his was the worst case scenario where he required surgery. I put him on Hills C/D (prescription food) after that at the vet's recommendation and he did well with it. I have had friends whose cats had this too, and they also were put on the C/D and did well. Sabrina, Sam, Simon and I hope Samantha gets over this quickly and easily ... ((((hugs))))

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We never heard of it, but Mom is reading the internet about it!

Jans Funny Farm said...

One good thing about the CB, someone usually has knowledge and information to share. We hope Sam is/will be feeling better! Lots of purrs and wags.

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope you can get the info you need. The only thing Mom knows is that a special diet usually is important.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I've dealt with it twice (well three times since one kitty got it twice)

Usually happens to middle aged kitties who eat a diet high in plant based ingredients.

There are a lot of different things that can go wrong and be covered under FLUTD, so knowing what is going wrong will determine the course of treatment. Is there an infection? Often not. If not there is no need for antibiotics.
Is the urine PH alkaline? (higher then 7.0) then you need to get it lower (ideal is 6.0-6.5) and you can achieve that by feeding a meat based diet and eliminating as much plant based ingredients as possible. C/D or other "prescription foods" for struvite crystals take low quality food full of plant based ingredients and then add an acidifier... why when you can do it naturally by feeding the cat it's natural diet? http://www.catinfo.org is a website run by a vet who studies feline nutrition, and she has a great section on this.


Vanillabeanseed said...

awe, we hope this isnt making you feel too yucky!!

Carolina Cats said...

Looks like Teri has given you some great info. Buddy has had this problem too, his is brought on by anxiety, but he's been ok for a couple of years.

Do a search on Yahoo groups, there's one for FLUTD cats - lots of good info from people going through the same things.

Best of luck, the kitties will be purring for Samantha.

Mom Nora

Gemini and Ichiro said...

WE hope you feel better. Urinary infections are no fun at all.

Ingrid said...

I am sorry but I have never heard about this disease. To me it sounds as if it has something to do with the kidneys.

The Crew said...

It looks like you got some excellent tips to research. We're sending healing purrs for you, Samantha!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Samantha, we'z sorry yoo is not feeling well. We don't know very much about FLUTD but what we do know says dat it's very treatable. We sure hope dat it goes away and yoo feel better, we'z purring and purraying fur dat. We don't get around to visit much anymore and we sure don't get to comment much, but, we just had to let yoo know dat we is purring fur yoo.

Unknown said...

Me never heard of FLUTD! Wow, me is sending yous lots of healing purrs. So is Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters Bob and Cinnamon and our Mommy and Daddy too

The Lee County Clowder said...

The glucosamine supplement Fuzzy Tales was talking about is most likely Cosequin. It is a combination of Glucosamine and Chondrotin, along with a few other things. It is supposedly available only through your vet, but you can get it through a lot of on-line pet supply places, with all kinds of prices and a lot of different doses. You want the one 'for Cats' (duh!).

The few real studies gave mixed results, but it seemed to help Luna with her problems. No idea if it would help with Samantha or not.

It is manufactured by Nutramax Labs.

Good luck.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh dear!! Poor Samantha. Looks like you have some good advice here. WE purr your Vet will get Samantha feeling well again soon !!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Luxington said...

Purring for you Samantha!

Marilia said...

We´re purring for you Samantha. Kisses from Brazil

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yes, Cosequin is one of the glucosamine chondroitin supplements, and comes in a chicken/tuna capsule that you open up and put on food, or a tasty chew 'treat'. It is a nutriceutical and very safe to use and while it may not help every cat, it can't hurt.

My Brighton spent 3 days in the emergency hospital last June due to a urethral blockage and he is doing well now. Before his episode I had been using feliway, water fountains, unscented litter but now all my cats are on 99% canned food to which I add a can of water to so they all get even more water intake.

He is also on glucosamine (Cosequin chews) and a supplement with cranberry extract (UT Strength ED), as well as once a month injections of Adequan ( PSGAG).

He was diagnosed with FIC due to the fact no crystals or bacteria were found in his urine at that time and it is one veterinarian experts opinion that all cats begin with FIC and the crystals and infection are ‘secondary’.

Interesting thought and as Brighton was 4 years old and never had a urinary tract issue before this happening and the fact that I was away on vacation increased his stress, and I never want to go through that again, so I am hopeful what I am doing will help him stay healthy!

Daisy said...

Oh Samantha, I'm sorry you have FLUTD. I hope an all wet-food diet will help you. I have been on Cosequin for a few months because I was having some stiffness in my hips, and I have been so much more active since then. It is supposed to also help the lining of the bladder. I take one sprinkle capsule on my food every other day (a maintenance dose).

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We sure your mom iz very informed bout your condition by now and we are sure you be feelin Better soon.... but we know how annoying dis can be fur you to say da least ^..^ We sendin you Feel Better Soon! RealSoon!! Purrayerz ^..^ xoxoxo