Check out what Mom's Dad made for her. It's her Mother's Day present. Who do you think it looks like? Her dad made it out of one piece of wood. He made one for her and her sister. It's his own design and it's a one of a kind. Neatest thing I ever saw.
That box is beautiful! :) Your Mom's Dad is very talented! That is wonderful. :)
Your Mom's Dad is a geeenius! He clawed... I mean, carved the kitty patterns all by himself? Incredible!
That is so beautiful! What a talented man he is!!
Oh, that is very very wonderful! I think it looks like Samantha and Tigger! What a great Mother's Day present.
What a beyootiful Mother's Day prezzie. Yoor grampa is furry talented.
i reelee luv dat prezent yer dad made fer yer mom fer mudder'z day.
hee'z talented an verree nice!
mi dad duzzen't know howta do dat stuff!
luv--yer frend--jh
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