1. I act like I don't want to be held or petted to be a real Man Cat, but I'm a softee inside and crave that.
2. I'm jealous of all the attention Samantha gets.
3. I leave Mom food regurgitated presents to show her how much I love her, but I don't think she appreciates them.
4. I sleep on top of Mom's car, even though I'm not suppose to.
5. When I am outside, I stay close to home and don't wander, but when Mom calls I don't come so she will worry about me.
6. I like to eat off Mom's plate, while she is eating.
7. When I want something I will meow and meow and meow and meow until I get it. It drives Mom crazy.
Tigger, you are a very brave Mancat, venturing outside like that! Humans don't seem to appreciate the little presents we leave for them.
These are very mancat things to do, Ali cries to momma all the time but he doesn't even want anything.
Happy belated Birthday Tigger.I love #7 on your list...lol
Hmm, I'm gonna hafta try #6. Sadie already wates till daddy's not looking and eats his food.
I liked learning more about you Tigger. Sometimes I try to steal things from my Mommie's plate, too. I have found that crying and crying for something doesn't usually work. Darn it!
Yer mom will appreciate yer regurgitated gifts more if you git them on a throw rug or towel!
those are good confessions. i'm not surprised that you crave attention from your mom. most of us do...man cats and lady cats alike!
Regurgitated presents - those are the best kind!!!
It's a shame your Mommy doesn't appreciate your food presents. What's the matter with these beans? We're just trying to be nice and show our appreciation.
It's good to keep your people guessing. It's good for them.
Happy birthday~!
And I love No.7.That's true~ I often drive michico crazy~~
Great list Tigger! I know what you mean about #1. I think you are very nice to leave your mommy presents. I hope she at least says thank you. #7 works everytime. It is one of my favorites.
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