Friday, December 28, 2007

Tigger Sleeping on Friday and Sam to the VET

I'm doing what I do best!! Sleeping. Mom and Samantha are at the VET! Just her yearly check-up! Mom will take some pictures and show you later! Me, I'll just nap till they get home! Samantha says my tail looks like a raccoon's. Do you think so?

Sam's VET update!! Look at me in this terrible PTC! It was just my yearly checkup. I got my shots, Vet said I was a very good cat 'cause I didn't bite or cry, my teeth were pearly white, didn't need a temperature check, my fur was nice and shiny and then he said I was FAT! I gained 3 lbs since last year and now I have to lose it! Mom says she's been feeding me too many Temptations! Drats! BUT Tigger has to go on a diet with me, he needs to lose 2 pounds, too! (hehehehehe)


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Naps are always important. One can never get enough.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, yeah, da tail looks a little raccoonish. We love yoor paws crossed over da face method, makes it easier to sleep in da daylight, or wif flashes going off.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey~~ We are the best sleeper don't we.
Sleep very graceful also very beautiful~! I guess no another species could sleep better looking than us~!

You look so adorable, Tigger.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Missy Blue Eyes said...
Tigger, you look very comfortable. I often place my paws over my eyes and face while napping. It blocks out light and makes me look mysterious! Your tail is very much like mine, except a bit floofier. My beans have always said I look like a racoon.
Looking at your picture is making me want to take a nap,
Bye, Missy

pee ess: Let us know how Samantha did at the vets.

Anonymous said...

Oh! We LOVE raccoons!

Parker said...

Tigger, your tail is a little racoonish!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

It does sort of look like a raccoon's tail.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our Mommy said your tail does look like a racoons tail. She saw one up close when Daddy accidentally trapped one (he was trying to trap muskrats). Mommy wanted it for a pet, but it was very angry at being trapped, so she didn't even get to pet it before they let it out of the cage.

Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh

PS We hope Samantha got a good report from the vet, tell her I said hi, Sockie~Pooh

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

It does look a bit like a raccoon's tail, Tigger. Enjoy your naps! :)

Ingrid said...

The only Raccoon's tail I ever saw was on a David Crocket hat, lol and indeed it looked a little like yours ! But your whole fur coat has a beautiful pattern !

Anonymous said...

Hi there handsome! Tigger you are so cute sleeping like that! I have missed you so much. We have had lots of beans around so we have not had time to visit. Could we teleport over and see you all?

Your loving girlcat

Spooker said...

I think your Tigger-tail is lovely.
This reminds me, I haven't had a nap yet today!
Auntie Spooker

Jimmy Joe said...

I think your raccoon tail is awesome, Tigger! That is a good napping position. I put my paws over my eyes like that sometimes, too, when it's not dark enough.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Daisy said...

Wow, that is one big raccoon-like tail! You should be proud, Tigger.

Anonymous said...

yup. we think so too - very raccoon like!

psst...since Samantha's not there right now, could you tell us if she got her Secret Paw? we sent it out a long time ago and we were hoping it got there okay.

Sunny's Mommy said...

You got the right idea. That's the best way to pass the day.

Mickey's Musings said...

I ,love to nap! There are so many places to choose :)
Yer tail is kinda bushy like a racoon and it has the rings ;)
I see it makes a great handle for sticky beans!!
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Mazie Grace. You and me look alike! I thinks your tail is bee-yoo-tee-ful! And...please keep in mind that it is VERY important that you git at least 23 hours of nap time in every single day.

You must come visit our web and my brothers & sisters blog every day! It ain't easy bein' us. We have to write about it all just to help us deal with the drama. Visit our site at You can look at my pictures under the "Crazy Mazie" section. I am blind so please don't make fun of my funky eyes.
Talk with you soon!
Mazie Grace