1. Tigger is the Best Fur Sibling because he lets the Grandbabybean pull his tail and doesn't put the bitey on her. See picture above.
2. He keeps all the male cats in our neighborhood away from me. (Samantha)
3. He is very handsome.
4. He is a very attentive boyfuriend cat to Trixie. He has taken her on picnics, to the beach, ice skating, to the movies and to the premiere of CCSI:The Santa Caper!
5. He's a very good hunter. See what he brought Mom for Christmas.

6. He is the bestest big brother. He plays with me and protects me and lets me eat first.
7. He is Mom's walking partner. They walk around the block and he doesn't use a leash.
8. Tigger and Ariel (1999-2005) were best furiends. They did everything together. He still misses her.
9. Tigger can talk. He tells Mom "NO" all the time, especially when she tells him to get off the table.
10. Tigger's an outdoor cat. Mom can only get him to stay inside at night when it is very, very cold.
11. He is a very brave Mancat. He made friends with the vishus reindeer that were in our house during the holidays.
12. He shares all his toys and treats with me.
13. He is a furiend to everyone he meets and loves to help other's when he sees a need.
These are my 13 reasons why I think Tigger Is The Best Fur Sibling.
Those are all great reasons that Tigger is the best fur sibling. I really like #1. It takes a great cat to put up with tail-pulling from kids.
Wowww.....I can tell why is Tigger is the best for sibling as well~!!!!!!
Tigger is a very special cat and a real gentleman, too.
Ah, I can see you love your brudder very much!
Tigger does sound like a great sibling! And he's very handsome!
That is a great list, Samantha! Tigger is very brave being an outdoor cat - we find that outdoors is scary and dangerous, except on our harnesses or in our stroller. Tigger sounds like a wonderful sibling!
He does sound like a wonderful brother!
If you want you can email me and I'll make the post for you. Or you can follow the instructions in the rules section of the contest http://fursiblingofyear.blogspot.com/ and make the post yourself so you can include any pictures you want. My email is thecatsstephens [at] gmail [dot] com.
I bet Tigger and Sockie~Pooh would have fun playing outside together. Sockie~Pooh goes outside even when it is raining. He comes to the window when he wants Mommy to let him in.
Tigger sounds like a nice big brother. Mommy says we are prejudice cause we think Sockie~Pooh is the bestest big brother though.
Scylla & Charybdis
Samantha, you are the sweetest kitty and Tigger is the perfect fur sibling!
What a good mancat! Brofurs is da best.
What a great brother!
I especially love his Chrissymouse present for your Mom!
Those are great Samantha!
Tigger iz a good brudder. You are furry lucky Samantha. I cannot say da same tingz abouts my brudder. Da momee here tinks he looks huggabull. She makes funny smoochy soundz when she tinks a cat iz huggabull. Tank goodness I do not hug.
Those are super reasons - we think there's no such thing as bad fur sibling!
Aw, we're glad you think Tigger is the best fur sibling. Brothers and sisters should stick together and help each other.
jan's funny farm
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