Most of the time when the Grandbabybean comes for a visit, I am no where to be seen. I mostly hide under Mom's bed or stay outside.
But today..........I heard something........
Hummmm.........I'm not to sure about this. Maybe I will run away!
Heck, I'll stay here and get lots of pets and scritches from the grandbabybean!!!! Ah...a little more to the left, please!!
Mom was gone almost all day yesterday, because Gma had an fainting spell! Six hours later, they could find nothing wrong! So Mr. Tigger's Mancat Monday got posted late and the rest of the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos #22 didn't get finished. All is done now so, please go by and check them out! Thanks! We still would like to share Christmas cards with any cat who wants to, just e mail us at jcfloresinc (at) g mail (dot) com!
Check out Mom's New Business!
Your Grandbabybean is very cute, Samantha! It looks like you are enjoying those scritches. :)
I am very glad that your grandma checked out okay. That sounds a little bit scairty!
If I had a pretty grandbabybean all dressed in pink with a beautiful crown I would let her pet me, too!
What a pretty itty bitty bean!
You're a very tolerant girl kittie, Samantha :-) I'm glad Gma beans is okay, and I hope she doesn't have anymore faining spells. Those are scary!
Ah yes, sometimes (not all times) those grandbabybeans "do it right" by us... sweet little thing she is (the bean...)
Hi Sam and Tigger, We're really sorry about your grandma fainting. It is good that nothing is wrong. Your grandbabybean is so cute! How old is she? Our grandbabybean is 7.
Hi Tigger, We'll be right over to help you play with all those great mousies.
Nose kisses and hugs,
Glad to hear everything checked out OK with your Gma. Your grandbabybean sure looks like she knows the right way to do scritches - good thing you decided to stay.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Oh no - we hope your Gma is okay!!
You look a bit nervous Sam,but I think you were good to stay put.The little grandbean did a good job of patting and not scaring :)
Hope GMa is OK too.
Purrs Mickey
That looks like a good Grandbabybean - she is petting you very nicely. I hope that your Gma is feeling better now.
Purrrrrs, China Cat
You got some good skritches in!
You sure are brave.We don't let little beans anywhere near us!
We hope your Gma is ok. Heck we hope you're ok - we don't let little beans that close to us!!!
Hi Samantha! Your blogging chair looks just like mine! (well that is before I ate most of mine)
Dat iz a furry nice lookin' grand bean human ting. It looks furry sweet & inno-cent & mebbe I tink, it looks like it communez wit anymalz & cats furry well. Doez it sing Christ-mass songz too?
I am glad your grandma is okay!
It's nice to get some good scritches.
You are doing a great job of teaching the grandbabybean the best way to give scritches. You can never teach them soon enough.
I'm glad that all is well and your Gma is OK!
Your Grandbabybean is absolutely beautiful~!!!!
She is very good at petting you!!!!
Oh we'z glad yoor Gramma checked out okay...gramma's is furry speshul! We like da grandbeans, dey is like 3 and 1 and fun to play wif. Speedy likes to knock down da 1 year old cuz he sez "oof" and den giggles...and dey give good scritches if tawt properly.
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