Hi, I'm Samantha. This is my Gotcha Story. Mom got me the very day I was born. A pregnant cat came to her house and she let her stay. I was born about two weeks later on July 31, 2003. There were six of us and Mom picked me to stay with her. All my brothers and sisters and Mom got great forever homes, but I got the BEST one. Tigger and Ariel adopted me as a kitty. Arielbecame my mom and Tigger the best brother a girl cat could have. I am Mom's lap kitty and purrr girl.

Hi, I'm Tigger. This is my Gotcha Story. I have been with mom for 7 years. I had been left off at a college friend's house. Her friend was going to keep me, until I tried to eat her bird, hey I was just a young fellow. Her husband told her to take me to the pound (ugh!). She told my mom about me and she said, let me take a look at him first. She has a soft spot for cats. We met and it was love at first sight. I came home with her that very day. She had a cat already named Ariel, and after a few hisses and growls, we became buds. I have been Mom's protector and Mancat ever since.
Wow, you guys were BOTH so lucky. Great Gotcha Day stories!!!
Thanks for sharing! Yes, you really lucked out, we are very happy for you!
And now come on over and check out the fabulous interior of our cruise ship and the wonderful crew we have!
Karl and Ruis
Thanks for sharing your Gotcha stories - talk about falling on your feet! Oh wait, we cats usually do don't we?...heh, heh...You both look like you doing pretty well there with your family - they's so lucky to have you two!
Gypsy & Tasha
Great stories...your beans are lucky to have you! Thanks for being friends of us at the Castle!
You two have great sories and you have a wonderful home!
What nice Gotcha Day stories. We're so happy you both found a great forever home.
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