Oh my, Mom is saying lots of words on the bad list. The post she was working on for today disappeared and she had backed it up. So here is our Easy Sunday pictures and she'll try again tomorrow to redo what she was helping us with! After she finishes putting all the Christmas stuff away! I heard her say she wasn't going to decorate ever again. (She mumbles that every year.) Mom go to bed! NOW!!!
KC said... O, don't you hate when DP Blogger decides to eat your post. we's had that happen, too. you's go help ur mom relax a bit, an tell hers she don't need to dekorate efurr again. hee hee. Purrs, KC
Purrs for your Mom. We are not always happy with blogger ;) Those are nice pics of you two though.I can'y wait to see what she wanted to post though :) Mom never likes to take down Christmas decorations either.It's kinda sad, because the fun time is over :( Oh well, Spring will come someday.(I hope anyway) Purrs Mickey
Our mum allus used to be saying bad werds about Blogger cuz our Broadband connekkshun's not that grate and she kept gitting messijs saying Blogger can't connect.Now she clicks save now after efurry pikchur and efurry cupple of sentences. At least Blogger can't lose much furr her now. We haf to help mum take the tree down in a while. We should haf done it yesterday but we wuz all too tired.
Oh, our mom is saying dem bad words too. We haf been trying to stop her from taking down all the dekameratshuns...sigh, why can't she leave da pretty angels out.
Rabbie wants to thank you purrsonally for the Secret Paws and says he has the picatures from his SP up so you can see him enjoyin those pressies you gots him, thank you again he says ~Spokescat of the FLuffy Tribe
Y'know, da momee heree sez some bad tingz too. But I yam justee happy to see your smilin' faces!!! BTW: Lied doze "gotcha day" storreez. It's so good to know dat you both got your furr-evfur homez!
My mommy says lots of bad words when she tripped over me in the mornings cause I like to rub her legs when she walks. I think it's funny. Thanks for visiting me on my new blog!
Crikey! Your poor mom. We hope things are smoother tomorrow. :)
Sometimes Blogger is BAD! You two look very sleepy. I hope you have a happy Sunday!
Better snuggle with your mom to help her chill out - you two are the experts in the house after all...
Gyspy & Tasha
KC said...
O, don't you hate when DP Blogger decides to eat your post. we's had that happen, too.
you's go help ur mom relax a bit, an tell hers she don't need to dekorate efurr again. hee hee.
Purrs, KC
Purrs for your Mom. We are not always happy with blogger ;)
Those are nice pics of you two though.I can'y wait to see what she wanted to post though :)
Mom never likes to take down Christmas decorations either.It's kinda sad, because the fun time is over :(
Oh well, Spring will come someday.(I hope anyway)
Purrs Mickey
Oh no! Mommy is empathetic, she said if she were in your mommy's position, she'd be saying lots of bad words too.
You both look very cute half asleep like that. Happy Sunday!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
PS. You got mommy dancing to da lovely latin music on your blog!
Our mum allus used to be saying bad werds about Blogger cuz our Broadband connekkshun's not that grate and she kept gitting messijs saying Blogger can't connect.Now she clicks save now after efurry pikchur and efurry cupple of sentences. At least Blogger can't lose much furr her now.
We haf to help mum take the tree down in a while. We should haf done it yesterday but we wuz all too tired.
Oh, our mom is saying dem bad words too. We haf been trying to stop her from taking down all the dekameratshuns...sigh, why can't she leave da pretty angels out.
I hate it when computers do stuff like that! UGH.
Blogger is bad!
Happy New Year!!!!!
Rabbie wants to thank you purrsonally for the Secret Paws and says he has the picatures from his SP up so you can see him enjoyin those pressies you gots him, thank you again he says ~Spokescat of the FLuffy Tribe
Oh dear, well... feed her some chocolate. That always works with the DKM.
Y'know, da momee heree sez some bad tingz too. But I yam justee happy to see your smilin' faces!!! BTW: Lied doze "gotcha day" storreez. It's so good to know dat you both got your furr-evfur homez!
My mommy says lots of bad words when she tripped over me in the mornings cause I like to rub her legs when she walks. I think it's funny. Thanks for visiting me on my new blog!
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