UPDATE: Me and Mom went for a walk and I called and called, but no sign of Mr. Tigger! Mom will go further from the apartments to check to see if anyone has seen him! There is a high school to the right and a golf course to the left of us!! Thank you again for all your kind comments and suggestions!! Samantha, Maverick and Mom
Mom went our serching for Mr. Tigger as soon as she got home yesterday, and then again when it got dark and again early this morning before the sun came up!! She hasn't found him, but a few people have seen him so she will keep searching!! Thank you for all the purrs and purrayers!! I keep crying out for him. Mom said she will take me out in my carrier tonight and I will see if I can call him home!! Love and lots of hugs, Samantha & Mom Chandra
Mom went our serching for Mr. Tigger as soon as she got home yesterday, and then again when it got dark and again early this morning before the sun came up!! She hasn't found him, but a few people have seen him so she will keep searching!! Thank you for all the purrs and purrayers!! I keep crying out for him. Mom said she will take me out in my carrier tonight and I will see if I can call him home!! Love and lots of hugs, Samantha & Mom Chandra

We are still purring and praying he will be able to find his way home soon - maybe if he hears you calling he will find where you are and come back. We really hope it works!!
We're sure he will be home soon.
Good for you, Miss Samantha - we're sure if Mr Tigger hears you calling him, he'll come home!
We'll keep purring him home too.
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
please please please come home Mr Tigger! we is so werried!
We'll bet he's been waiting for his Mom and will be home right away now that you're back.
Hurry Home Mr. Tigger - we miss you
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We have been purrring and praying for Mr. Tigger to come home.
Hopefully Samantha will be able to call him, and he will come running!!!
~ The Bunch
Good luck!
I have been gone from the blog world since my return to school (too much work and not enough time to play) but Gracie's mom just told me that Mr.Tigger is missing and I had to stop by to let you all know that we are thinking of you and praying for Mr.Tigger's safe return. That is good news that he has been spotted. You know that when cats are afraid they will hide. Let's hope that he will get hungry and head out in search of food. You should take some food over to the lady who spotted Mr. Tigger and have her leave it out by her door in hopes that Mr. Tigger will learn that that is where he can find a snack.
Sending big hugs from across the miles.
Opus, Ollie and Cyn (their mom)
We hope Mr. Tigger comes home soon now that you are home. We have been worried about him. At least he's been spotted. We are purring and purraying for a safe return home.
Oh my poor Mr. Tiggertiger. I am so worried. I want him to come home now!
Please Please go home Tiggerkins
I will keep purring.
We are still purring and purraying furry hard for Mr Tigger to come back home. Hopefully, today is the day!
Rest up that voice of yours today, Samantha, so it's in good shape to call your brother home. We just knows he will eventually come home!
We have been hoping that Mr. Tigger had been found.....it's good that he has been sighted, so hopefully Samantha can call him in tonight.
Down here in San Antonio, we have continually been purring and purraying for his safe return.
We have our paws crossed for you ... that today he comes home.
We're sending good thoughts that he comes home soon. It's very promising that he has been seen. Cats can hide really well, especially when scared.
We think on you every day!
I hope that Mr. Tigger back home soon, we are praying for that!
Willow and I are both purring like crazy for Mr. Tigger to hear you call him, Samantha! Hopefully, he will get back home soon!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
We are all purring for Mr. Tigger finds his way home soon...Sam, call him home tonight.
Taz, Runt, and Charles, and mommy Anna
Will keep praying for Mr. Tigger to return home. I'm so sorry to hear you haven't found him yet and hope you do soon. Loved the collage you made of him! Very cute!!
We're praying and purring that Mr. Tigger comes home soon. Hang in there!
I keep waiting and hoping for good news. I think it's a good sign that he has been spotted a few times, so he must still be in the area. I'm purring for Mr. Tigger!
I think that is a purrrrfekht idea!
He'll listen to woo!
He's probably already listening fur your purrrrrrs of help!
I think it is very good news that Mr. Tigger has been spotted in the neighborhood. I think taking Samantha out in the stroller and letting her call to him is an excellent idea. I am hoping and praying that he finds his way home very soon.
It's very optimistic that Mr. Tigger has been spotted while you were away, so you know he's in the area. He's just a scared kittie and maybe when he hears his sisfurs voice, he'll come haulin, well, you know what! We have our strong purr machines on encouraging him to come home!!!
PLEASE COME HOME Mr. Tigger! YOU ARE MISSED AND Your mom is so worried!
Paws for thoughts and prayers for you all.
Oodles of Love,
The Kitty City Gazette
We have noy stopped purring and praying that Mr Tigger comes home.. If someone has seen him that is good news. Come on Miss Samantha, call him home.. I will put the picture on my bloggy tomorrow,, Hugs GJ xx
So close yet so far away! I wish you much lucks in getting Mr. Tigger home, maybe some delicious cat treats would help the search!
I have such hope now that Mr Tigger's coming home soon, it's just a matter of time!!
We have the internets again, so we are sending sooooo many purrs and purrayers that Mr. Tigger will be reunited with you all very, very soon! We love you!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Okay, Mr. Tigger. Enough of this AWOL stuff. It's time you came home!
I'm purring really hard!
I'm still purring and purring that Mr. Tigger comes home quickly!
It's promising to hear that he's been seen around so hopefully he is still nearby.
You must have been beside yourself having to go away while he was still missing.
We hope that tonight's the night he comes home!!!
Purrs to all of you that he comes home safely!
He's not far away from home and we hope you will find him the very next time you go out. It would be worse if nobody had seen him. But he's there and he will make it home. Still sending purrs.
P.S.: Maybe this is silly but we just had the thought that you could put out carriers with t-shirts that carry your smell and some food too. Or get cat traps? But we fear those are always in use and can't be rented. Like create a spot where he will feel good when he passes it and will eventually stay there.
Purrs again.
I hope that Sam can call him home. That's a great idea. If that doesn't work, I suggest finding a large Have-a-heart trap, your local shelter or Animal Control Officer might lend one to you. Fill it with something good tasting and stinky and set it out where you found Samantha. You may catch something else, but you just might catch Mr. Tigger. Keep resetting it until he comes.
You guys have been on my mind! Good luck!
~Lisa Co9T
Oh we purray you can find him!! We are so worried about him!
Our prayers and purrs are with you.
Samantha will call out and that will, hopefully, help him find his way home. If you can, leave a screened window open maybe Samantha can sit in it too. Also take an open can of the cheapest stinky tuna with you. And don't forget to put out the soiled cat litter tray. That odor will help him to find his way home. If he uses a bed, put it outside the door too, he may be so tired he'll get right in. Don't forget water.
We beg God to help Mr. Tigger come home.
Come home, Mr. Tigger!
Come Home! We are all purring for you!
Oh Mr. Tigger! Please come home, we are all so worried about you!
Thanks for the update! We've been checking every day. The purrs have not stopped! We are hopeful he will come home just keep looking for him!
I keep purring for Mr Tigger to come home, hopefully Sam can talk some sense into him and get him back.
Oh we are so glad that he has been spotted! This is great news!!! We are sending tons of purrs and purrayers to you and many hugs!
Luf, Us
It is great that Mr Tigger has been seen! We hope so much that you find him soon and that you are all reunited together...
He will soon, purrrrrrrrrrrs!
We are sure he's gonna come home when he hears Samantha ~ we'll purr like mad. We jknow how worried yoo are (((((hugs))))))
Okay Mr Tigger, enough of the adventures - COME HOME!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are still purring and purring for a safe return. Hopefully he'll hear you and come home!
We're still purrrrrring for Mr. Tigger to come home, we sure hope he shows up soon! We just know that he will.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
When I saw your post at the CB I came right over hoping that the news was better. I will pray until Mr. Tigger get home safely with his family. If you don't mind I borrowed the photo and will put up at my place so my friends can help with the prayers too.
We know all about lost one at our place, it is such a trying and sad time. I know he will be found I just feel it.
Dang it Mr Tigger, yoo really need to come home!
Samantha, you must call out as loud ad you can so Tigger will hear you!
Oh pleeeeze Mr Tigger, comez home!!!! I haz da biggest fattest jooociestest ham you haz evfur seen & my brudder Maximillian iz gonna bringz it oevfur to your housee on hiz frayter. We also deecided dats after you comez back you mights wanna takes a nap... so we iz bringin' abouts 780 balez of nip straight frum Burma.
Me & da other kitteez iz gonna helps Sam Me-OW fur you.
we iz purirn' az loud az we can.
Dr Tweety
Maybe mum could take Samanthat out different times of the day?
We are stll praying as hard was we can. Love to you all.
Try carrying the open cheapie, stinky tuna with you. We're sure he'll be hungry and the scent will carry for quite a distance!
I will be purring for him to come home..Hugs
We wanted to let you know we are purring hard for Mr. Tigger. We have been thinking about you. I am glad that he has been spotted so that you know he is around!
We're trying to mew you home too, even though we're kinda far away. Please come home, Mr. Tigger - we all miss you! Purrrrrrrrrrrr!
We are have our purrator on high for Mr.Tigger. WE know he must be scared and unsure of his way home. But we feel good knowing he has been seen.We will continue our vigil of keeping him close to our hearts and purrin for his swift return home.
Thats encouraging that people may have seen him!!!
Mr Tigger please come home now!!!
Samantha & mommy need you!
Be sure to check the shelter(s) every 2 or 3 days at least! Take a picture of Tigger with you. He could be picked up or turned in and many shelters don't hold them longer than 3 days.
We hope he will be home soon.
Darn! I thought Mr. Tigger would come running as soon as he heard you calling, Samantha. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, especially Mr. Tigger. Mr. Tigger, enough is enough! You get your furry butt home right now!
We're still praying and puurring hard that Mr Tigger comes home soon!
Sending lots of hopes and prayers that Mr. Tigger gets himself home soon.
Mr. Tigger come home! Our prayers are with you.
If there is a school and a golf course nearby, please make sure you talk to the groundskeepers at both...take photos, etc.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that Mr. Tigger is AWOL...I will send purrs and prayers that he is home soon!
Killian and his mom, Sara
We are still purring that you find him!
We are still purrin hard fer Mr Tigger.
Come by an visit us, me gave ya an awardie...
I have been purring all day
Mr. Tigger, you have to go home now.
Pleeeeeez go home
love always
We are still prrrrrring and wagging our tails very hard for Mr. Tigger to come home.
We can't belive it is almost two weeks now since Mr T went AWOL. There hasn't been a single day when we haven't purred loudly for him. We so want yoo to have good news and for him to come home safe.
He is an adorable cat and we suspect someone is feeding him. And since he's new to the area he can't find his way home. Yoo must miss him so much. Does he have a microchip?
We wanted to check in to see if there was an update. We're so worried about Mr. Tigger.
COME HOME NOW! Your Mom and the whole CB are worried about you.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Any word from Mr Tigger, Sam? We sure hope yoo find him soon. We'z still purring and purraying...
Tou are in our hearts and in our prayers Mr. Tigger. We pray that Jesus will guide you home!
We were hoping for some good news.
Our purrs and prayers continue for Mr. Tigger to make his way home!
~ The Bunch
It was a great idea for Mom to take you along. I think you should go with her from now on!
Good to hear that people have seen him. He's around... I hope he comes to his senses and comes home soon!
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Have you taken Maverick with you on your walks? Years ago, I had a cat missing for several days. Finally, I took my dog with me and walked the neighborhood. She sniffed out the frightened cat in the small enclosed patio next door.
Sure hope you find Tigger soon.
Jan's suggestion is good. My doggie cousin always managed to find his kitty siblings when asked.
I know yer probly sik of sugjestions (and maybe I alreddy sugjested this; I furget), but the Food Lady rote an artikul on Pet Recovery that was so good it got a Nashunul Cat Riting award. It has a lot of off-the-wall tips that yoo mite not have thot of.
Heer's the link:
She talks abowt prevention in the first half, so just skrole down fur the recovery part.
We're still purrin and purrayin that Mr Tigger will come home.
Skeezix the Cat
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