Friday, October 9, 2009

Mr. Tigger May Have Been Spotted

UPDATE: Mr. Tigger may have been spotted not to far from our apartment!!! A lady who lives in the same apartment building as us saw him on Thursday night!! He let her pet him, but wouldn't let her pick him up! She went out tonight and didn't see him, but she is going to try and coax him into her apartment next time she sees him!! Keep the purrrs coming! Mom Chandra & Samantha


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh we hope that this is really Mr Tigger and that he lets her take him home for a few days. He must be really lonely out there for so long!!! We will double up our motors that that is him!!!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

That is good news.
Sally Ann

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are purring really hard for him. We hope the weather is better in Central Texas than in North Texas. Mom really worries about him!

The Meezers or Billy said...

mr tigger, please please please go with the nice lady so that she can take care of you and get you to the sitter to be wif samantha.
please please please? we is purrring and purrraying as hard as we can.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Mr. Tigger, enough of this wandering! You are driving your fambly and your CB fambly crazy. Get home now to that nice lady neighbor.

catsynth said...

That is definitely good news! We're hoping he stays safe, and finally comes home soon!

Max said...

I hope she can catch him! That would be most awesome!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

So glad Mr. Tigger has been spotted. We are purring he will be home soon. ~S,S,C & F

Millie said...

OOOooo! I hope it -is- Mr Tigger and he comes home real soon! I've got my purr-er working overdrive for him!

Anonymous said...

MR. TIGGER?!? You get your fluffy butt home THIS INSTANT! You've worried your mom and effuryone for a few days and it's time your little launt ends and you go home to your loving family! Samantha misses you dearly ad wouldn't you like to go have LOTS of hugs and treats??? We're still purraying for ya buddy, get home!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Stop fooling around Mr Tigger! The whole world it watching and waiting for you to be reunited with your family!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Mr. Tigger, get your butt home and stop scaring your mom and Samantha. They want you safely home. And so do we.

mog said...

That's wonderful Mr. Tigger has been spotted, will be even better when he is home. We will keep purring and purraying for him to come home safe.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh we are SO hopin that Mr Tigger is found! Please, please please...

We are are purrin hard fer him to find home.

JC said...

I so hope it is him and that he gets hungry enough to go into her apt. Paws crossed over here !!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh this is such hopeful mews, just the kind that warms our hearts...

Karen Jo said...

Please, Mr. Tigger, go to the nice lady and let her take care of you and get you to the sitter to be with Samantha. Everyone is so worried about you.

Misha said...

That's promising that he's been so close to home so recently. Good thing that you live in an apartment block so you have lots of neighbours to keep an eye out for him.

Now, Mr Tigger, would you come home now please, and stop worrying your Mummy like like!

Sparkle said...

We are keeping paws crossed here in Los Angeles for Mr. Tigger's safe return!

Milo and Alfie said...

We are keeping our paws and EVERYTHING crossed that it was Mr Tigger and he will be home safe soon. We all miss him at the cat blogosphere and we are purring like mad for him!

Daisy said...

Oh my gosh, that's good news! Maybe instead of trying to pick him up, while she is petting him, she can scruff him.

I am crossing my paws that Mr. Tigger will be safely inside soon!

missfinn said...

good news, thank God! We are praying harder..

lots and lots of love,

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh please, Mr T., come home!!! We are all worried about you.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

This is good news! Maybe the lady that saw him will get some stinky goodness to tempt him to come in.
We are still purrring hard!
~ The Bunch

Everycat said...

We are so happy that Samantha is now home. We are sending out da loud rumbly purrs so that Mr Tigger can come back soon too! Paws crossed he will allow the nice lady to catch him!

Whicky Wuudler

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring even harder for Mr. Tigger. We hope he comes back to the nice lady. Go home Mr. Tigger!!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Rusty said...

I sure hope Mr. Tigger gets home safely. He may just be a bit confused being outside if he's not used to it. I'm sending lots of purrs and purrayers that he's home very soon.

Cory said...

Hopefully she can go out there again with a can of amazingly irresistible stinky goodness and nip...yes lots of nip. Tigger won't be able to resist.

Mr. Tigger we are purring so hard for you...but you are scaring us!

Bruce said...

You're a rascal Mr. Tigger...come home so your mom can get some rest!
your pal,

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Do we need to come out dare an look for you Mr. Tigger? Yoo get yur butt back home.
Chandra, keep those prayers going and just believe and he'll be home soon. We're sending all our hugs and prayers out to you as well.
Mom Brenda and BB&A

The Island Cats said...

Oh! We're purraying that she can get him inside!!

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh my goodness! Tell her to leave out some stinky goodness so that he wants to come back to her soon!

This is great news.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh this is good news - we are sending out extra purrs for him to go back to the lady and let her take him in!! And we are sending some thank you purrs and prayers to that lady for her help - she is a good person for helping out!!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

WE are so glad Samantha is back and so glad Mr Tigger has been spotted. Surely he will be home soon!
WE are purraying he will come home soon!
--JB, Chester, CocoBean and Armani

Just Ducky said...

Mr Tigger, get your furry butt inside. Take the nice lady up on a few free days of freeloading until your beans come home.

Lots of purrs for you, but your 'tocks need to be inside.

Danielle said...

Supurrr! I'm praying for him to come home furry soon!!

Kaz's Cats said...

We so hope that kitty is Mr Tigger comes back to the nice lady. Sending lots of purrs and purrayers to bring him home,


Gypsy & Tasha

jenianddean said...

Oh what happy news! We're keeping all our paws crossed that he is safely in your neighbor's apartment getting belly rubs and pets.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that would be wonderful ! I cross my fingers and my cats their paws !!

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Goh Home Tigger! u goez home now!
Samantha is watin fur u!

Now u iz luvved time to goh home now!

dearest Daddy in hevn pleze takes Tigger bak to hur Mommy. In da name of your Son, Amen

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

weze ment himz mommy... gotted finkin bout Samantha!

we luvs Tigger n Samantha!

Katie Too
n hur Mommy

Angel Simba said...

Tigger, your wandering days have been fun, but time to get with the program. now. HOME, boy, and let the neighbor pick you up. She has a good supply of food if you do, and you must be hungry!

Kari said...

We are all praying our hearts out for Mr. Tigger. He must be so hungry and thirsty. We pray the kind lady is able to lure him in.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm keeping my paws crossed that this is really Mr. Tigger and that he can be coaxed inside.

The Creek Cats said...

We are purraying very hard for the lady to get him inside her apartment!!!!

Cat with a Garden said...

Such good news of Mr. Tigger not beeing far! We're sure he will come back. Please go to that nice lady, Mr. Tigger!

meemsnyc said...

We are purring very hard that Mr. Tigger comes home soon.

Victor Tabbycat said...

We is SURE Mr. Tigger is not far an just confused by da new place. Is good yur naybors are helpin look fur him.
A friend took in a lost calico an posted her on Craig's List as a found cat an put a sign up by da nearest bus stop. Someone camed an gotted da cat da next day.

Soon Mr. T will be home an dis will just be a memery. He misses you, too.

Anita said...

Good luck! I hope you find him. We are praying for it.



OH this is very good noos!
We think Mr.Tigger is looking for you and is just lost...we will keep our purrator on high.


Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

This is good new. Will keep praying for his safe return. Hope your neighbor sees him again and can coax him to come inside or at least put some food out for him to entice him back so then you can get him.

Your Daily Cute said...

Stopped by for any update... still hoping Tigger comes home very soon!

Chuchu said...

Bianbian and Juu are purring for him right at this moment. They feel it won't be too long till he comes back soon.

curator said...

Oh I do hope that really is Mr Tigger and that he decides to come home soon. Love from the Museum "staff."

Milo and Alfie said...

We came back to purr even louder 'cos it's now a week since Mr T went missing and we're scared he will be hungry and lonely. We won't stop purring 'til he's home. We've got a feeling he's waiting and will re-appear when yoo get home from the family wedding.


The Furry Kids said...

We are purring and purraying for him to come back ASAP!

Poppy Q said...

We're keeping our paws crossed that it is Mr Tigger.


Anonymous said...

Just checkin' in to see if there was any new news. Hopefully he is captured by the sitter and he's waiting for you to get home!

Anonymous said...


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Mr Tigger...we haf not stopped purring and purraying fur yoo to come home. It's time to stop making yoor mommy (and da rest of us) stop worrying so much.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring for Mr. Tigger's return. We hope he's waiting for you when you come home from your trip.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Chrissie said...

I'm purrin' that he comes home! I'm purrin' HARD!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh tank heavfunz!!!! Pleeze Mr Tigger... don'ts deelay. Comez in, comez in!!! Your momee & Samantha haz some goodz stuffee fur you to eats & I yam gonna bakes you a 786 pound ham.

Kari said...

Please, dear God, we beg you to bring Mr Tigger home.

We are all praying our hardest for his return.

Tuck said...

I'm purring so hard for Mr. Tigger to come home. You all must miss him so much!

Milo and Alfie said...

Any noos? We're still purring.

Kari said...

Praying and purring for Mr. Tigger.
Please , God, help Mr. Tigger.
Any news yet? Please call all the pounds when you get home. Maybe he has been turned in.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Mr. Tigger ... We've been holdin' our collective breath hopin' an' purrayin' that you'll get home right away! Please allow yourself to be captured by the nice lady so that you can get home to your fambly!

You've got all of our purrayers an' purrs, Mr. Tigger!!!


Karen Nichols said...

We're still purraying HARD fur him to come home!

Milo and Alfie said...

We just so want noos that Mr T is safe. Still purring hard.

Cat with a Garden said...

We're still purring and purring. Please Mr. Tigger, come home!

Kaz's Cats said...

We're still purring for Mr Tigger to come home safely!


Gypsy & Tasha