FRIDAY UPDATE: I have three people I have met while searching for Mr. Tigger that are on the lookout for him!! The Cat Sitter said said she would come and pick him up if anyone finds him before we get home!! I left some food out at the apartment and a cat bed for him to sleep on if he comes and goes while we are gone! Someone told me I could post a lost cat on Craig's List for the area we live in, but I do not know how to do it!! Does anyone know and can give me some help! Thanks for all the comments, suggestions and support!! I know Mr. Tigger is close and he will come home!! Love Chandra & Samantha
UPDATE: Sorry no news about Mr. Tigger!! I sat outside for about 2 hours this evening with tuna and Sam's litter!! Then I walked the whole apartment complex!! I have posters, called all the rescue places and the cat sitter will come over here to pick Mr. T up if anyone calls while we are gone about seeing or finding him!! They are cat lovers and Samantha is in very safe hands with them! Samantha looked all around the apartment for Tigger!! I know she misses him, too!! Thanks for all your purrrs and purrayers!! I will never give up hope for Mr. Tigger to return!! Mom Chandra
UPDATE: Sorry no news about Mr. Tigger!! I sat outside for about 2 hours this evening with tuna and Sam's litter!! Then I walked the whole apartment complex!! I have posters, called all the rescue places and the cat sitter will come over here to pick Mr. T up if anyone calls while we are gone about seeing or finding him!! They are cat lovers and Samantha is in very safe hands with them! Samantha looked all around the apartment for Tigger!! I know she misses him, too!! Thanks for all your purrrs and purrayers!! I will never give up hope for Mr. Tigger to return!! Mom Chandra

Oh no. I've been refreshing your page all evening. How long will you be gone? I hope someone calls about him.
Mr Tigger please go home before your Mom leaves......Purrrrrrs & prayers=^Y^=
Mr Tigger, we hope you head home soon!! Your mom needs to know you are safe and sound.
I know you have tried just about everything. I know that when Miss Poppy Q goes on a wander and isn't responding to her name, a few big shakes of the biscuit jar will usually get more response.
Big hugs.
We're sorry that Mr Tigger's not home yet. Poppy's suggestion about the biscuit tin is a good one - it works around here too. We'll purr and purrayer all we can for him to find his way back to you guys,
Gypsy & Tasha & Karen (Mum)
Good girl Samantha. Now please come home Mr Tigger!
Huffle Mawson
Our hearts go out to you. We know just how worried you feel. We will keep praying for Mr Tigger's safe return. Stay strong. We so want him home with Samantha ~ safe and sound.
Oh, I really hope and pray that Mr. Tigger makes it home before you have to leave. Come home, Mr. Tigger! Your Mom and Samantha miss you terribly.
Come on Mr Tigger, please hurry home. We've just said a purrayer for him to come home.
Maggy & Zoey are packing up... they said being your old FL Friends they'd probably unnerstand what Tig is up to and where he's gone, so they're on the way to help find him.
Seriously: purrs and prayers are continuing for this wonderful big tig to return home...
safe travels to you.
We're purring and praying for Mr Tigger's return. It would sure be nice if he could return before you leave. Will your neighbors watch for him?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We pray for his safe return.
We're anxious for him to come home too. Our Mom keeps checking for updates. We faith that he will return.
We's purring fur Mr. Tigger to pleese pleese pleese come home.
Tha Cat Blogosphere isn't tha same wifout him!
Love & Purrs,
We are praying and purring hard and sending go home Mr. Tigger thoughts to him!
~ The Bunch
Come home Mr. Tigger!!!
we are so very sad and we haf not stopped crying. Mr Tigger, please please please come home.
Oh, I was hoping to see good news this morning. Mr. Tigger! Please come home. You're worrying your mommeh, not to mention the pet blogosphere!
We keep checking in seveaal times a day hoping for good news. We will keep up the purrs for Mr. Tigger. We were hoping that he wasn't far from Samanatha.
So sad Mr. Tigger hasn't returned yet. I was hoping for some good news this morning! Will keep praying that he comes home soon. Glad that Samantha is back at least. Go home, Mr. Tigger! You have everyone worried!!
Come on Mr Tigger and get home before your folks leave. That would be the best thing to happen all the day long. I am praying that you are safe.
Please, please come home!.
So glad that Samatha is home, too bad she isn't talking about where they might have gone.
China Cat & I are purring like crazy loud so that Mr. Tigger can hear us telling him to go home today! That would be so wonderful!
Purrrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
We're still purrin' hard for Tigger.
We purray that Mr. Tigger comes home soon!
Still TONS of purrayers being sent your way from all of us! Mom kept checking the 'puter last night in hopes that there was good news. There will be, we just know it!!!
We're sending many purrs for Mr. Tigger to come home soon!
We are sending so many purrs and prayers your way and to Mr. Tigger to help him find his way home! We are so worried we keep checking for updates. I hope someone finds him and calls the sitter so you can come home to him!
We continue to purray for Mr. Tigger's safe return home. We have been checking your blog several times a day in hopes that there will be good news. Along with our purrayers, we send you our love and Mommy sends hugs.
We just had a thought....if Mr. Tigger is close maybe the sound of the can opener would get his attention....all our Mommy has to do is take that can opener out of the drawer and we come running......and then clank it against the side of the can a little if that didn't work.....
And last but not least, we think we should call out Walker, Texas Ranger, to find him. :)
We just heard that Samantha is home!!! Thats terrific!!
We are sad to hear you have to leave for 6 days!! Is anyone there going to be watching out for Tig?? He could come home and no one would know! Oh Tigger come home now!!!!!!
Dear Momee Chandra & Sam,
We iz soree dats da sittin' ting didz not work.
Lastee night when da momee waz in bed, she waz tinkin' abouts da shakin' da treet bag (I tink Poppy Q callz dis a biskit jar)... 'cuz dat iz what gets da Delilah in when she iz bein' bad.
We justee are gonna purrz now. We know you haz broken your heart in all your efforts to findz da Tigger. & you mustee be so streesed havfun to leevz.
We are gonna tellyport oevfur & keps Sam compaknee & we will joinz da search fur Mr Tigger.
Mebbe if I cooks a ham he will smell da joocez & come back.
Den you will haz a hapee home comin'.
We will keep our purrz full of pozzytive thoughts while you iz gone.
Sendin' our love,
Dr Tweety & da Fab Five
Have you brought Maverick out to help you look for him? If my cats get out I take my dog for a walk and keep asking him "where's Pepper" or "Where's Izzy". It always works. The dog may not really show me where they are, but the cats come running right up to the dog and I can catch them.
I also play find Pepper or find Izzy in the house with him all the time and praise him when he puts his nose up to them.
It's worth a try.
Oh no! We are so upset Mr. Tigger is still missing.
You must leave a soiled litter box outside at all times, especially at night, so he can follow the scent to home.
And, again, make sure Samantha sits in an open screened window so Mr.T can smell her.
Continue to contact all of the rescues , daily, because messages can easily become lost.
We're praying and purring our hearts out for Mr. Tiggers safe return.
Please come home Mr Tigger. Your family loves you & misses you very much. Prayers, prayers, prayers from us. (((HUGS))) We won't give up hope.
We are purring hard that Mr. Tigger comes home. We hope he shows up soon. Purrs.
We are still purratin hard for Mr.Tigger. We believe dat Sam will help guide him home!
hugs and purrs
Hi Y'all,
This suggestion might seem a bit silly, but sometimes a "pet psychic" might be able to chat with him or find him. It seems really silly, I know but it might help.
Sally Ann
We were sure that he'd come home before you left for the wedding. Let's keep our paws crossed an' our purrers turned on to maximum to get Mr. Tigger home before you return from your trip.
I am happy to hear Samantha is back safely and pray Mr. Tigger is not far behind.
One down, one to go...he will be home in 2 more days...saw it in the stars!
Did you post up your cell phone number I hope? So you'll get the call if anyone sees him? And I'm sure your neighbors know, right? So if they see him on the porch...
I hope he comes home soon!!!
We're still purring extra hard. Mr. Tigger was on our minds all day today knowing you had to leave. Our neighbor's cat was gone for almost three weeks and came back and Luna ( was gone for about a month before she came back, so never give up hope. We're confident he'll be home soon.
Welcome back home, Samantha!! We're sending come-home vibes to Mr. Tigger too!
We are purring that Mr. Tigger comes home soon. WE are very thankful Samantha came back. Hi Sam, we will keep you company while your Mom is away and help you hunt for Tigger. We bets Fenris can sniff him out for you. ~S,S,C & F
Aw :( We wished yoo coulda finded him alreddy but we willl jus purr dat he come bak annyways n da sitter git him fur yoo.
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
via my duk George who will quak fur Mr Tigger
Can mebbe Samantha on a leash find Mr Tigger?
Willow & I just came back to see if Mr. Tigger came back yet. We will just keep purring so loudly that he can hear us tell him to get on home to Samantha and the cat sitter!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
I'm so sorry for not online for a long time, I just read about this!
Luckily Sam is back!
Me purrrsss for Mr. Tigger to come back!
We poped back over to see if there was any news on Mr Tigger ~ we are still praying and purring hard.
We are so sorry that Mr. Tigger is missing. We are keeping him in our thoughts and prayers for a safe return home soon! Samantha, we know what it's like to miss someone, our brother Buddy disappeared in August and we just miss him a whole bunch...especially mom.
Big hugs and lots of purrs!
Harry, Polly, Tigger, Princess, and the kittens Scarlet and Red
We are so glad to hear that Sam is back. Can Sam go on a leash? possibly walk around and let her lead? That's kind of a stretch, but we want to add any idea that you may not have thought of. Our cares and thoughts go out to you!
It must be so hard to leave with Mr. tigger missing. We hope somebody calls and you can return to two cats again. Please come home, Mr. Tigger! Your family needs and misses you! BTW, we think to take Sam out on a lead is actually a good idea. Siena once found Chilli in a tree she was stuck in. Give it a try, they are close friends, Mr. Tigger could come to her. Good luck on everything!
never give up hope. never. we pray everyday for you.
We will not give up! We are praying and purring for Mr. Tigger's safe return.
Stopping by to see if anything new was posted. Still purraying for all of you...COME HOME MR. TIGGER!!! Your family misses you terribly!
I think the taking Sam out looking for him is a good idea ...
Tigger, dis is NOT funny. You come home RITE NOW! Sam needs you an so does we. Yur Mom is super worried.
Purrs to all y'all!
We continue to purr and pray for Mr. Tigger's return.
If you took Sam out, we are wondering if Maverick could help. Woofies have super duper smelling abilities...Oh just saw above where someone suggested that...
~ The Bunch
Mr Tigger is on my mind and in my purrs...... Maybe you should up the anti to sardines...they sure are stinky.
All of you are in my thoughts.
~Lisa Co9T
We're glad you have some extra eyes looking out for him while you're away. We're remaining confident that he'll be home soon. Sending purrs your way.
You can post to Craigs List for free. To post a missing cat ad on Craigs List, go to and find the closest city/town (start with state then narrow from there). Then in the upper left corner you'll see a section called Community. One of the sections under there is pets. Click on pets. In the upper right corner click on post. Then in the list click on pets again. Fill in the blanks from there and it's pretty easy. I sure hope your neighbors can coax him to safety! I'm glad he's sticking close by!
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