Tomorrow is our 200th Post.
Everyone who leaves a comment tomorrow, Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 will be entered. On Wednesday we will pick one name from everyonewho posted on the 200th post and that cat/bunny/person will be the winner.
Good luck everyone!!
Samantha & Tigger
UPDATE: Tigger came out from under the bed.
He is eating and drinking and letting Mom pet him.
Whatever was wrong seems to be gone.
Thanks for all the purrs and well wishes!
This is Tigger under the bed and the only time he goes
there is when he is not feeling well. Mom and I are
watching him to be sure he is eating and drinking. Purrayers welcome!

Hopfeully Tigger is just having one of the Meh days. I get those. Everything is just meh and a guy just wants to be left alone.
Oh Tigger, I hope you are okay, and are just feeling blah because of the change of seasons. Sendings purrs your way.
We've been saying our purrayers for our cousin Charlotte -- and she's getting better. Should be home today or tomorrow.
So now we will say our purrayers for Tigger, too, and wish him good speed in getting out from under the bed.
Grace & Company
YAY! A contest! I purray that Tigger feels better and will not have to go to the Vet!
Purrs Tigger!!Feel better
Awe, poor Tigger. Maybe it's da changing of da seasons. We'll purr and purray dat's all it is. It's really good of you to keep an eye on him Sam.
I go under bed when I want human to leave me lone. Hope Tigger feel better though. Confused on contest though because Monday is October 1st in Florida, not Tuesday.
Tigger, we are sending you lots of purrayers, headbutts, and healing purrs. Ok?
Luf, Us
Tigger I hopes yu is juss havin one of those days yu want to be in yur own cave! But, I will keep yu in my purrayers...
Tigger we hopes you's OK! Come out and eat buddy - got to keep up your strength. We'll be thinking about you and sending our purrs and prayers.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
I had a cat that used to do that, too. I hope Tigger feels better soon.
We have started our purr motors for Tigger and the hopes that he is just trying to be different and isn't really ill.
Tigger sweetie! What's the matter? I hope you feel OK. I will send a lot of purrs your way!
Awwww we hope you feewin better Tigger!
And happy pre-200th post anniversary!
Oh Tigger, you can't feel sick on your Mancat Monday day! Please feel better soon, big guy.
We iz glad you are on the mend. Us man catz have got to stay strong!!! Da bed cave iz a good place to hidez when you need a little Recovery time.
We hope Tigger is already feeling better. Under the bed is a good place to get a little quiet time.
Sending many purrrrs Tigger's way!
Ooh, a contest! I hope that I win. I've never won a contest yet.
Awwwww, Tigger, I'm so sorry you've been feelin' icky! Me and my sisturs are sendin' lots and lots and lots of purrs. I'm glad you're feelin' bettur!
Thankies so much fur your purrs for my sistur Brainball -- she is doin' a lot bettur today, eatin' bettur and Brainballin' around and doin' her Alpha Cat patrols (YAY!); she's also gettin' in more naps, though, which is good. Momma thinks she still needs some more good bathroom trips before she feels 100%. But she's much bettur and Momma will keep an eye on her to make sure she keeps gettin' bettur or else she still might have to go to the v.e.t.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Tigger, are you feeling better this evening? We hope you have come out of hiding. That is never a very good sign, is it? And you can't even blame it on foster kittens or a newly adopted evil mini house panther!
We will come back tomorrow for your celebration/contest!
that is good news about Tigger, I hope he is feeling better and is all recovered! we do worry our Beans with our illnesses and things...your Bean obviosuly loves you very much xxx
We're so glad Tigger is feeling better. Maybe he had a little too much lizzard; that gives us tummy aches. It looks like you all had so much fun at your carnival of cats!! All we had this weekend was a parade of grandkid beans.
I am so glad to hear that Tigger is well again!!!
Very exciting, a contest, I'll be there!
Hi Tigger. I'm glad you're feeling better. I like to hide under the bed too. Especially when those two lady cats are being a little mean to me. Have you tried under the couch? It's a good place too.
I also hope Tigger will be Okay~!!!! Oah, let me give him a big big hug.
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs, Purrrrrs,
Oh Tigger we are all so happy that you feel well again. You do look very cute sleeping under the bed. Could we teleport over to see you?
Nose kisses, hugs and purrrrrrs
i awww..i'm glad he's not feeling 'under the bed' anymore..this is good..
luv all the cat pics!
So glad to hear that Tigger is feeling himself again. Hi, Samantha!
Yeh! Glad to hear that Tigger is feeling better and that he's eating and drinking. Most of important of all he's getting pets.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Hi Tigger-
Are you still feelin' better? Dis iz your BIG day after all. You iz goin' to be celebratin' I yam sure. WIll your momee make you a special dish? Will Samantha do a dance to make you smile?
Your palz,
Dr Tweety & da rest of da gang
We didn't know that Tigger wasn't feeling well but we are so happy to read your update. We'll purr that his better health continues!!!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
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