1. Our First Post was on 4-6-07! It will be 1 year on Sunday.
2. Our FIRST Commenter's were on 4/10/07. They were PKS who is Mom's Sister and Jen (Mia in Memory) and Ghost's Mom!
3. My FIRST picture on 4/11/07.
4. On 4/12/07 ML & KC posted our FIRST information on the Cat Blogosphere and we met some wonderful furiends for the FIRST time! You can meet them HERE!
5. We did out very FIRST Thursday 13 on 4/26/07. It was 13 Things about My Name. (Samantha)
6. I FIRST introduced my brother and pal Mr. Tigger on 5/2/07.
7. Mr. Tigger wrote his First Post on 5/5/07.
8. My First Meme 5/10/07.
9. Mr. Tigger and My First picture together on 5/23/07.

10. First Mom totally forgot Tigger's 7th Birthday last year and remembered on 6/1/07!! She promised him a BIG one this year!!
11. I celebrated my 4th Birthday 0n 7/31/07! It was my FIRST Surprise Party and boy I was surprised!
12. Our First Carnival of the Cats on 8/5/07!
13. And First as of Today 4/3/08 we have done 429 Posts!!!
Thanks Everyone For A Great Almost Year!!!!
This is our 1st Blogoversary WeekEnd! More to come!!!!
Hoppy Blogaversary!
you and Tigger really create so many records this year~!!! Congratulations~!!! I am very very happy for you!
Okay, we are confused by all those dates. Your first post was on the 4th of June? Your first commenter was on the 4th of October? And #5 and 9 have us really confused, because there are no months that are 23 or 26. Help!?!
Wowie! It's a big month for you two! I have been enjoying you for a year (almost) and we still have your magnet on our cold box!
it's been a great year getting to know you both!
It is so fun to go back and see all the Firsts!!!!!!!
Concatulations on your First year!!!(Sunday)!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
One year you are sharing with us ! Congratulations !
If you really want to laugh, I found a very cute cartoon it's soo typical cat ! It's called "let me in !"
Woohoo! Happy Blogaversary to two cool kitties!
Congratulations to my sweetie-pie tuxie princess blogger!
Happy blogoversary to you. That's a lot of posts in one year.
Wow what a great TT!
This was a terrific listing of all of your first's!
We really enjoyed it a lot.
Purrs and happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary Sam and Tigger. Wow what a lot of firsts for the year.
happy blogoversary! what a great year it has been. i'm so glad to have met you both and am really glad Sam is safe and sound!
I posted late last night so you may not have seen it, Mr. Tigger, I gave you an award.
Hi guys I am about to fall out of Mommy's lap so I better run. Enjoyed your TT. ~Charybdis
What a great thirteen! So Many great things happened in one year! Happy Blogaversary!
Thats quite a year! Heres to another great one!
We hope this is a great year of many more cool adventures!
That is a lot of firsts!!
that is a great list of firsts! congradulation!
That's a lot of firsts!
Oh boy, a first year of firsts! We is so glad yoo is blogging, we love yoo guys!
KC said...
Yup, i remember posting you all... can't imagine tha Cat Blogosphere without you.
Congratulations on your furrst year.
Happy Upcoming Blogoversary wishes to you!!!
Happy Blogoversary! Job well done.
Wow you did a lot of posts in one year. I didn't get more than one a day.
Happy Happy Happy HAPPY Bloggooverserry!!!! May all da yearz be az wunderful. May you be furevfur shinin' on your bloggie. We iz so happy you are here!
Dr Tweety
Congratulations on all your firsts :)
Those are a lot of great firsts! Happy First Blogoversary on Sunday :-D You two, and your Mom, are doing a great job blogging!
Happy Blogoversary!!
Happy Blogoversary, sweet pals!
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